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Michelle Lam

As AI-based technology has rapidly expanded into high-impact, user-facing domains, we have observed myriad ways in which it can perpetuate harmful biases, embed problematic values, or entirely fail. In the face of these errors, we are starting to see that algorithmic fairness and explainability methods are not sufficient fixes for technological tools that were designed incorrectly or incompletely from the start. To improve these systems, we need a shift in voice and power in technology design. In my research, I aim to build tools that empower non-technical users to leverage their distinctive expertise and actively shape the design of AI-driven, sociotechnical systems. Every individual has unique expertise built up from their interests and skills in combination with the communities and environments they inhabit—my research aims to allow users to share this expertise to raise unanticipated issues and suggest novel solutions as co-designers of algorithmic systems.