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DDRO: Diversity Dissertation Research Opportunity


DDRO funds cover expenses for doctoral dissertation research on diversity-related topics.
by Application
Eligibility: Doctoral Students
Period: Spring quarter (2025)
Duration: One year
Amount Awarded: Up to $5,000


DDRO provides competitive awards to doctoral students for research expenses related to dissertations that focus on some aspect of diversity, broadly defined to include culture, socioeconomic background, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disabilities, religion, and life experience. These funds help advance Stanford’s commitment to supporting research on diversity related topics. Research grants totaling over $500,000 have been awarded to over 100 doctoral students in over 25 degree programs across Stanford's seven schools.

Students may request up to $5,000; some awards will be less than requested. Requests must be for expenses that are not covered through other sources of funding from external or university sources. Applicants may simultaneously apply for other sources of funding, but may not accept multiple sources of funding for the same expenses.


DDRO accepts applications from Stanford doctoral students from any degree program who:

  • have been admitted to candidacy
  • have an approved dissertation proposal
  • will be registered in the quarter they receive funding
  • are making satisfactory academic progress

Prior successful applicants may ONLY reapply for DDRO funds if they received less than $5,000. Applicants who have been funded previously must submit a report summarizing use of the initial award with their new application (if not submitted already). Applicants who do not receive funding are encouraged to revise and resubmit in a future funding cycle.

How to Apply

Application opens: March 21st, 2025 

Deadline to apply: April 27th, 2025 at 11:59 PM (PST)

All application materials must be submitted through the VPGE’s online application system by the posted deadline. You may start and re-enter the application to submit later. You should request a letter of recommendation from your faculty advisor via the application system, well in advance of the deadline. Do not request a letter until you are certain that you will be submitting a DDRO application.

Access the application via the Apply now button at the upper right. When you log in, check that your information is accurate. If your information is inaccurate or you have problems with your application, please contact

A complete application consists of the following:

  1. Project Summary
  2. Curriculum Vitae (cv)
  3. Unofficial Transcript from AXESS
  4. Project Budget
  5. Letter of Recommendation (your advisor will submit directly)
  6. IRB Certification Status (if required)
  7. Report of Prior DDRO Funding (if required)

Download DDRO application instructions

Curious about how the funds are helping graduate students?

Hear from DDRO Recipient, Elliott Reichardt, about how the funds have supported him on his dissertation journey!

For more content featuring Stanford graduate students, follow Stanford VPGE on YouTube.

Related Events

No events at this time. Please check back later.

The DDRO application will open March 21st, 2025. The last day to submit an application is April 27th, 2025 at 11:59 PM (PST).

Contact vpgeapplications with any questions.